Arched Doors – 18th Century Baroque Styled Doors – 1456WI

SKU: SKU-716 Category:


Wrought Iron And Wood Doors Inspired By An 18th Century Baroque Castle

Karlova Koruna castle in Chlumec nad Cidlinou in the Czech Republic was built for František Ferdinand Kinský between 1721 and 1723, and was built upon the original town stronghold that dated back to the 15th century. Kinský hired two of the best Baroque architects of the time, Jan Blažej Santini Aichel and Františ Maxmiliá Kaňka, to build this new castle. Completed in time for the coronation of Emperor Charles VI King of Bohemia, František invited the King to the castle and named it after him - In English, Karlova Koruna means Charles' crown.

Jan Blažej Santini Aichel was known for his Baroque Gothic style of architecture and František Macmilián Kaňka was known for reconstruction of palaces and castle for noblemen, mainly in the Baroque style. The combination of these two well-known and accomplished men created a beautiful Baroque building. A main tenant of the Baroque style was portraying movement and that is accomplished in their windows and doors, and in this door, with the use of wrought iron grills over glass. This door has four separate grills covering each of the four glass panels and each grill is hinged to provide easy access to the glass for cleaning. The use of the arch and the wrought iron styling created a glow to the door that speaks of elegance and taste. Once the hand forged door pulls are added, a graceful and intricate door will greet your guests. With our master craftsmen, can create a stunning entrance for your home in any style you choose.

Baroque Styled Doors Info

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