Hand Carved Tree Entrance Door – Lodge or Cabin Doors with Sidelights – CCED663

Open Media Bottom Lights To Let Fresh Air In

Continuously Designing With Security And Style In Mind

Never Feel Limited To What Your Options Are For Your Custom Made Door



Hand Carved Tree Entrance Door - Lodge or Cabin Doors with Sidelights

Grand Entrance Door Thick Solid Wood With

Detailed Master Hand Carved Tree Can Be Yours

This beautifully handmade tree door with sidelights is the perfect addition to any home who holds love for nature with great style. Our master carvers take their time hand carving every detail in the tree and branches.

Not only do our carvers and craftsmen hand make each of our entry doors, but they use the tried and tested method of mortise tenon joinery. Meaning your perfect custom door is guaranteed forever. The sidelight glass panels are always made from 1" thermal and UV rated glass and is perfectly placed to allow just the right amount of light in.

One other very unique design creation H.J Nick had for this custom door is the media bottom lights open to let fresh air in.

Never Feel Limited To What Your Options Are For Your Custom Made Door

Additionally our highly talented blacksmiths work tediously to ensure you receive the perfect custom door hardware. To complete the look at this serene and nature theme door we added a door pull that was shaped into a log. Our blacksmiths hard forge all wrought iron, anvil hammer and patina finish each piece to perfection. With their mastery skills and employed old world methods our custom hardware will never erode or corrode.

Hand Carved Tree Entrance Door - Lodge or Cabin Doors with Sidelights

Tree Theme Custom Door Info

Doors Custom Built The Old Fashioned Way
"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
And Craftsmen Were Proud To Sign Their Work

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