Art Factory Grand Entrance Door: The Front Door To Our Showroom – 6016AT

Every Customer Who Visits Us In Person Is Greeted At Our English Castle Inspired Grand Entrance

Includes Nature Themed, Fine Art Hand Carvings, Iron Work, And Custom Hand Forged Hardware


Art Factory Grand Entrance Door: The Front Door To Our Showroom

curved tree branch door pulls

The Art Factory grand entrance door as pictured features our curved tree branch door pulls (HH059)

If you have a chance to visit, and our factory gallery showroom in Scottsdale, Arizona, we will greet you at our Art Factory grand entrance door. The first thing you will notice is that these 10 and 1/2 foot tall, castle style doors are built from solid, full length timber. When we build a castle door, or any door for that matter, we build them the same way that the great castle doors from history were built. That means we start with real wood. We do not believe in using veneers, particle board, laminates, or any other type of faux woods. When you buy a solid wood door from us, that means you will get the genuine article.

Additionally, all of our solid wood doors are handmade by master craftsmen using old world techniques. Craftsmanship such as hand hewn mortise and tenon joinery means that you door is not only built from the same materials as ancient castle doors, but are also built the same way. It is our belief that building our doors using these time consuming, tried an tested techniques from antiquity will produce a product that will last for centuries. Just as many of these old castle doors still stand today. Furthermore, our master artist, the award winning H.J. Nick travels the world visiting and studying historic architectural sites. By doing this, he is able to observe the methods and materials which were used to build these historic doors. This allows us to build our doors to historically correct specifications, just as they would have been built in centuries gone by.

Fine Art Quality Custom Hand Carving And Finishing Details

Art Factory grand entrance doorThe nature inspired artwork on this door includes raised carvings of deer, an owl, and a woodpecker. All of our hand carvings are done the old fashioned way, by one master carvers hands. All of our carvings are detailed, high relief carvings that have both positive and negative reliefs. This includes details such as carved our undersides of leaves and feathers that can not be achieved with any type of machine.

We never use a CNC machine, gang carving, or any other fast process. Artwork that is by the hands of one master carver allows your work to meet fine art quality requirements in the eyes of appraisers. This allows for a product that will have future appreciable value as a work of art. That is why we also use a time consuming, multi-step, hand rubbed finishing process. This process blends the stain into the grain of the wood, making for a long lasting finish that won't flake, or chip like paint. All wood finishes are also certified as meeting fine art qualifications by H.J. Nick before your product leaves our shop.

Art Factory Grand Entrance Door Ironwork

art factory grand entrance doorThe iron, oak tree overlay is also fine art quality custom ironwork that has been hand forged by our master blacksmiths. This means hand hammered over a coal fired forge. Hand forging allows for details such as individually crafted leaves, so that no two are the same, just as would be the case in nature. Our iron products are never cast, drop forged, built from a mold, or mass produced. Every iron product that leaves our shop it a truly unique, one-of-a-kind piece that will never be exactly reproduced.

To top it all off, we use exclusively pure, solid wrought iron to build all of our hardware products. This includes the curved tree branch door pulls, hinges, slide bolts, and lock plates on the Art Factory grand entrance doors. Wrought iron makes for hardware that won't rust and corrode like cheap filler metals.

Finally, the color is added through our proprietary, hand applied iron oxide patina process. This process infused the color into the metal at over 1000 degrees. This created long lasting color that will require little or no maintenance, and won't peel off like paints and powder coats.

Art Factory Grand Entrance Door Historical Inspiration: Bodiam Castle

Bodiam Castle main gate, inspiration for the Art Factory grand entrance door

The main gatehouse of Bodiam Castle with the barbican in front and the Octagon in front of that - [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Bodiam Castle in East Sussex, England was built in the 14th century as defense against the French. Even though the castle was originally built as a defensive castle, Sir Edward Dalyngrigge wanted the castle to be inviting as well and to be a home, not just a fortress. Because of this forethought, this castle is one of the more beautiful defensive castles in the country. Though it was dismantled sometime after the English Civil War and left as a ruin, John Fuller purchased the castle and the grounds in 1829 and began to repair and rebuild the castle. The renovations and restoration have continued through today and Bodiam Castle and the surrounding grounds is now a popular tourist site. The countryside surrounding the castle is full of trees and wildlife and that's where we found the inspiration for the carving and ironwork on this door.

The great gate doors of Bodiam Castle inspire these castle doors, and the grounds inspire the carvings. A maple tree with an owl in the branches extends across the double doors and a pair of deer grazes in the bottom right corner. An extra colorful touch is the wrought iron leaves that are hand forged by our master blacksmiths. Because we use a patina finish, the colors of these early autumn leaves that are just beginning to change will remain beautiful for generations. Out master craftsmen can create any combination of wood and iron that you can dream up, call 1-800-292-0008 today and get started creating your dream entrance.

Art Factory Grand Entrance Door Info

Doors Custom Built The Old Fashioned Way
"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
And Craftsmen Were Proud To Sign Their Work

Order Any Size Or Style - We Can Help You To Design Your Dream Custom Doors - At No Extra Cost