Slim Entry Double Doors: Handcrafted Solid Wood With Custom Hardware – DDEA200
Fine Art Designs By H.J. Nick Handmade By Master Craftsmen Using Thick, Solid, Full Length Timber, And Hand Hewn With Mortise And Tenon Joinery
You May Order It Pre-Hung And Choose From Any Or Our 100’s Of Styles Of Custom Fine Art Door Hardware

Slim Entry Double Doors: Handcrafted Solid Wood With Custom Hardware
Your home deserves a masterpiece that can be treasured for generations. Every custom door is thick, built to exceed hurricane codes worldwide. Handmade in America from wood we source on our own lots. Each entry double door is built by certified master craftsman and joined using mortise and tenon, peg and dowel method; never glued, pressed or fast processed. Order a hand made door from any type of wood, in any size and style to fit your home, castle, lodge, or business. This door will provide you with the classic look you've been seeking, durability and piece of mind. All our custom built doors are guaranteed to last forever.
Custom Solid Wood Doors With Segmented Arch
This entry door is reminiscent of the Ponte Vecchio Bridge in Florence Italy, erected in the 13th century by Medieval Italian architect Neri Di Fioravante who was working closely with Taddeo Gaddi. Where the segmented arch first made its debut. The original Bridge collapsed twice, when Neri Di Fioravante decided that it needed to be completely revitalized with a new structure and design.The architects took inspiration from Roman and Chinese style arches. This style of arch evenly distributes the weight allowing for a stronger foundation. The same style of arches can be seen on some of the doors on the shops throughout the bridge and now can be seen in your very own home.
Slim Entry Double Doors Info
Doors Custom Built The Old Fashioned Way
"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
And Craftsmen Were Proud To Sign Their Work
Order Any Size Or Style - We Can Help You To Design Your Dream Custom Doors - At No Extra Cost
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