Sleeping Bear Hand Carved Door: With Custom Etched Glass Sidelight – 2272HC
The Perfect Custom Front Door For Your Lodge Or Log Cabin Style Home Designed By Award Winning Artist H.J. Nick
This Exquisite Entrance Features A Master Hand Carved Design That Extends Onto The Etched Glass Door Panel And Sidelight For A Fluid, Fine Art Design

Sleeping Bear Hand Carved Door: With Custom Etched Glass Sidelight
This sleeping bear hand carved door from captures a moment from nature, and turns it into a work a fine art that will be the envy of your friends and neighbors. The life of a bear is hard. They have to forage for food, sometimes traveling miles to do so. Bears spend most of their time looking for food or eating so they can survive winter hibernation, sometimes up to 20 hours each day in the autumn. So they do occasionally take naps and when they do, they are just adorable. This hand carved door shows just how adorable. Our master carvers were able to use the point where the door meets the sidelight as part of the design, carving it to create the tree. On the door itself, the carver extended the tree branch from the main tree all the way across the width of the door. The small sleepy bear rests on this branch next to a pool of water.
Sleeping Bear Hand Carved Door Hardware Details
The real beauty of this custom wood door is that the entire door and sidelight seamlessly combine to create a single picture. The thermal glass has been etched throughout the door and sidelight, creating the background for the work of our carvers. Additional trees and the shores of the pond and waterfalls add depth to the image. The perfect finishing touch is the bear paw door pull, created from hand forged wrought iron. This complete picture makes for a memorable custom entrance. Call today at 1-800-292-0008 for pricing on the sleeping bear hand carved door, or and of our other fine art quality custom entrances.
Sleeping Bear Hand Carved Door Info
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