Rustic Log Cabin Door: Custom Solid Wood Entrance Doors – 3221HC

Log Style Doors Handmade From Solid Wood And All Natural Materials

All Doors Are Constructed And Finished To Fine Art Specifications By Master Craftsmen


Rustic Log Cabin Door: Custom Solid Wood Entrance Doors

Rustic Log Cabin DoorThis customer came to us with an idea. They knew what they wanted the entrance of their cabin to look like and it had to be more than just a door, it had to be unique.

Working with our designers, the customer added to the concept and got the features they were looking for, including detailed hand carving.

This Rustic Log Cabin Door has a textured arch on the upper panel with detailed hand carving on both sides of the door.

A speakeasy door was added, and also the hand carved grooved textured.

Sidelights on either side of the door allow light to enter the foyer.

Then the customers really personalized the door by providing us with the native wood branches from around their cabin that are included in the sidelights and across the entrance.

The finishing touch was the hand forged wrought iron pine branch door pull, easily tying into the rustic theme of the door.

Whether you are looking for a exterior wood door or a unique entrance. will work with you to create your own fairy tale.

Rustic Log Cabin Door Info

Doors Custom Built The Old Fashioned Way
"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
And Craftsmen Were Proud To Sign Their Work

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