Door Pull – Chateau de Latoue Style
The Perfect Medieval Twist to Any Home
Our master blacksmiths are classically trained, and employ old world?techniques such as?coal firing, anvil hammering, and hand forging. When you get a piece like this, it truly is like having a piece of?history as a part of your home. We draw inspiration?from the amazing Chateau De Latoue and it's mysterious and gothic feel constructed in?the 11th century as a defense tower; Every time you reach for this custom door pull, you will feel?like you are stepping back in time.
Hand Forged By Our Master Blacksmiths, we never use casted copies or hollowed metals
You can guarantee that these high quality, hand painted wrought iron pieces will last forever. The patina finish is applied by hand,?Never spray on faux paint; there is never a need to powder coat or paint real wrought iron. We use 5 process heat patina finish, heating the piece to over?1000 degrees in order to apply the finish, which is why we can guarantee that our hardware will never erode.
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Door Pull – Chateau de Latoue Style Info
Door Hardware Custom Built The Old Fashioned Way
"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
And Craftsmen Were Proud To Sign Their Work
Order Any Size Or Style - We Can Help You To Design Your Dream Custom Door Hardware - At No Extra Cost
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