Custom Castle Front Door: With Hand Forged Medieval Hardware – 1390AT

Fine Art Quality, Custom Handmade Entrance Designs By Award Winning Artist H.J. Nick

Our Combination Of Top Grade Materials And Master Hand Craftsmanship Allow Us To Offer A Quality Of Product That Is Unmatched Anywhere At Any Price


Custom Castle Front Door: With Hand Forged Medieval Hardware

custom castle front doorThis custom castle front door from is built from solid, thick, naturally air cured timber. It is handmade by our master craftsmen, using mortise, tenon joinery construction and fine art finish. This custom door draws on the old castle style with wrought iron hinges straps and ancient style door pull. All created to appear as centuries old, but built to last forever using fine art handcrafted techniques by our master craftsmen.

Bring History And Fine Art To Your Front Door

custom castle front doorThe decorative hinge straps are hand forged solid wrought iron made by the hands of our highly talented blacksmiths, as well as the beautiful door pull and roller hinges. Heated up to 1000 degrees, anvil hammered to the design you desire and patina finished to ensure your custom door hardware will never erode. The custom hardware pictured gives this door a Gothic, or Renaissance style entrance for your home or business. Call us today at 1-800-292-0008 for pricing on this custom castle front door, or any of our other fine art quality custom wooden doors.

Heidleberg Castle: Inspiration For This Custom Design

Heidelberg castle was first mentioned in 1225, and the counts palatine of the Rhine established their residence there. Originally two castles, the "Upper" castle was destroyed in the 1500s by a lightning strike. During the War of the Grand Alliance in the 17th century, the French destroyed the castle. It was partially rebuilt, and then destroyed again before the reconstruction could be completed by fire resulting from two more lightning strikes in 1764. Now a historical ruin, Heidelberg has been a draw and inspiration to many artists, including Mark Twain and Victor Hugo. One building has been reconstructed and restored and the rest are preserved in the partial or completely destroyed states.

Custom Castle Front Door Info

Doors Custom Built The Old Fashioned Way
"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
And Craftsmen Were Proud To Sign Their Work

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