Arched Castle Door: Built From Solid Wood With Hand Forged Hardware – D1406

Custom Medieval Style Hardware Forged With Fire, Hammer, And Anvil

A Door That Is Built To Fortress Strength, And To Fine Art Quality, From All Natural Materials


Arched Castle Door: Built From Solid Wood With Hand Forged Hardware

arched castle doorOur solid wood arched castle door can be made to any size and style you need. A wooden exterior door with old world charm. It is hand built by our master craftsmen using old world techniques. We make all of our custom doors to stand the test of time. All of our doors and wood products are hand hewn with mortise and tenon joinery. Additionally, this door has been finished with a multi-step, hand rubbed process.

Like many of our designs, the arched castle door is inspired by age old castles and cathedrals from antiquity. These doors were always built by hand with solid wood, and this is why many of them still stand today, centuries later. The custom, medieval style hardware has been forged to fine art quality by our expert blacksmith. This means door hardware that has been built by hammer and anvil over a coal fired forge. Furthermore, every door is built under the supervision of world renowned artist H.J Nick to ensure a product of fine art quality with future antiquity value.

Our Custom Hardware Is Guaranteed Not To Corrode

Our blacksmiths anvil hammer and patina finish all of our custom door hardware. Decorative wrought iron studs, lever handle with back plate and solid iron strap designs are made to never erode. All of our doors are completely customized to your exact specifications. Made by the hands of our blacksmiths our custom hardware is meticulously shaped to your requested style. Add any door pulls or handles you would like and embellish with a door knocker to complete the old world look.

Arched Castle Door Info

Doors Custom Built The Old Fashioned Way
"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
And Craftsmen Were Proud To Sign Their Work

Order Any Size Or Style - We Can Help You To Design Your Dream Custom Doors - At No Extra Cost