Adjustable Tension Roller Style Door Latch – RDL1000

SKU: RDL1000 Category:


Shown here, is a 3" inch thick door edge with upper and lower adjustable tension roller style door latch. has this special heavy duty adjustable pressure roller closers produced by one of the world's top manufacturers, specifically for our solid wood doors. These rollers are built with the ability to fit doors that are 2" - 12" thick, without special adapters or breech in strength of hold. Each door, depending upon height and weight, must have one or more pressure adjustable closer and strike plate. This allows the door to click shut and hold when the dead bolt lock is not set in the locked position.

The photos below are designed to help you understand the function of each necessary piece of door/gate hardware in relation to its design elements.

Adjustable Tension Door Latch Roller Style roller style door latch

Shown below is an adjustable tension roller on a close-up photo of a raised grain finished 3" inch thick door edge. The roller is mortised into the door edge and sealed. This allows it to be flush mounted and protected inside it's own mortised pocket, and sealed from the elements. 

Roller Door Hardware

Shown below is a close up photo of an adjustable tension roller door hardware latch and jamb mounted strike plate. The roller is mortised in to the door edge, as was shown in above photo. This jamb mounted strike plate is designed to be mortised in to the jamb side, directly in line with the door mounted roller, to accept the roller when door is closed. The ramp design allows for an easy door closure. The steel indentation accepts and seats the roller.

The exact position of this steel strike plate determines the tightness of how much pressure the door blade is allowed to press against the door seals. The more pressure you set on the springs, the harder it is to pull the door open. This seat also keeps the door set to it's weather seals, against the rabbeted stop. Once adjusted properly, this ensures a perfect seal against the elements every time - one of the best ways to go green and save energy.

Roller Catch

Shown below is a roller catch illustration. It is adjustable to allow for the amount of force needed to be applied when pulling or pushing this door open or shut. This usually would be adjusted according to weather conditions in your area, such as wind pressure, or if you wished a particular amount of force needed to be applied to allow comfortable use of your door. This type of locking system will never lock you out with out your key.

roller style door latchOur High Quality Handcrafted Hardware

This door hardware should not be confused with ordinary hardware normally found on most production or semi-custom doors. The hardware from has been specifically chosen to accommodate our ultimate custom doors and gates. Learn more about our custom doors.

Hardware Fully Installed and Finished

When you order a pre-hung door with hardware, etc., everything you order comes fully installed and finished. All working door hardware is patina color matched to your decorative hardware.

Contact one of our architectural engineers today to discuss your gate or door hardware, 1-800-292-0008.

Custom Wood Door Info

Our exterior wood doors are custom handcrafted in the original craft and are not reproduction fast process doors. Our master-level craftsmen, wood workers, and blacksmiths use their classical training and artistry to hand build our doors using historically correct methods that have been tried and tested throughout history to last for generations. Using the correct building methods and tools as the historic design, we can recreate a design specific for each client's need for maximum security and an investment quality entrance door.

Order your dream door custom designed for your residential or commercial property, and make a proper first impression that reflects your personality and accomplishments in the same way kings, queens and other aristocracy have done for thousands of years.

Scottsdale Art Factory offers only the finest quality, artistic signature doors and entrances, individually created by our expert craftsmen, wood carvers, and metal smiths; with no limitations on size, design, thickness or finish. We hand make interior and exterior doors in any style - limited only by your imagination. Guaranteed "Forever" no questions asked. Virtually maintenance free built to two times the hurricane code. Our doors allow for maximum security that will last forever. Contact us to discuss your designer door ideas at 1-800-292-0008.

Doors Custom Built The Old Fashioned Way
"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
And Craftsmen Were Proud To Sign Their Work

Order Any Size Or Style - We Can Help You To Design Your Dream Custom Doors - At No Extra Cost

Handcrafted Custom Doors

  • Size - any size door, shape, structural jamb
  • Style - wood, design, hand carvings, decorative accents
  • Panels - windows, grills, door straps, inlays, clavos, sidelights
  • Glass - stained, thermal, energy efficient, decorative, protective
  • Hardware - hand forged wrought iron handles, latches, hinges, grills
  • Finishes - over 400 standard colors of hand applied stains and finishes or color match
  • Learn more about our custom doors
Handcrafted Custom Doors - Scottsdale Art Factory

Scottsdale Art Factory, a custom wood doors, wrought iron gate, and handmade furniture manufacturer based in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Designs by H.J. Nick, have been designing and building some of the world's finest furnishings all hand crafted in America since 1913. Most of our clients want a furnishing that has a Big WOW factor and timeless elegance. They all want investment value furnishings that make a proper statement reflecting their personality, or the personality of the environment for which the designer custom furnishings are intended. Our craftsmanship ensures your custom wood door and furnishings will stand the test of time, and all handcrafted doors and furnishings are Guaranteed Forever, backed by over a century of fine craftsmanship.

Call us to discuss your handcrafted custom doors design ideas 1-800-292-0008.

Handcrafted Custom Doors - Learn more about our Custom Door Manufacturing process.

Adjustable Tension Roller Style Door Latch Info

Our Latest Fine Art Quality Custom Door Hinges, Locks, And Hardware