Wild Stallion Western Style Door: Custom Security Grill And Sidelights – CBSD890

Original Fine Art Quality Door Designs By Award Winning Artist H.J. Nick And ArtFactory.com

Made From Only The Finest, All Natural, Solid, Full Length Timber With Blacksmith Hand Forged Hardware


Wild Stallion Western Style Door: Custom Security Grill And Sidelights

wild stallion western style doorAt ArtFactory.com we have created this wild stallion western style door to celebrate the American West. The "Wild West" was a time of exploration and growth.  Capture the rugged feel and excitement of the "Wild West" with wild stallion western style door. It is available with sidelights and transom as shown, or without. Like all of our custom doors, it can be made in any size to fit either your residential of commercial property. Fine art quality hand carvings around the window enhance the extra thick thermal water glass. The custom, wild stallion theme wrought iron security grill provides the perfect balance of style and security. Of course, no story about the Wild West is complete without a Colt 45. One of the most popular guns of the time, the Colt 45 door pull makes a unique addition to your custom wooden door, adding just the right touch of ruggedness.

wild stallion western style door

The wild stallion western style door as pictured features our custom Colt 45 door pull (HH156)

We craft our doors using only 100% solid wood, with blacksmith hand forged wrought iron hardware. That means that the wild stallion decorative security grill, and custom western style door pull have been hand hammered into shape by our master blacksmiths. Our iron products are never cast, drop forged, or build using any kind of fast, or mass production process. This makes for a unique hardware product that will never be exactly reproduced. To top it all off, all of our hand forged hardware products are advance patinated using our proprietary, hand applied, heat infused finishing process. This process assures of a high quality finish that will stand the test of time with little or no maintenance. Celebrate the history of the Wild West. Call 1-800-292-0008 for pricing on the wild stallion western style door today.

Wild Stallion Western Style Door Inspired By The California Gold Rush

wild stallion western style door

The California Gold Rush (1848–1855) began on January 24, 1848, when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California. The news of gold brought approximately 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad. The sudden influx of gold into the money supply reinvigorated the American economy, and the sudden population increase allowed California to go rapidly to statehood, in the Compromise of 1850. The Gold Rush had severe effects on Native Californians and resulted in a precipitous population decline from disease, genocide and starvation. By the time it ended, California had gone from a thinly populated ex-Mexican territory, to having one of its first two U.S. Senators, John C. Frémont, selected to be the first presidential nominee for the new Republican Party, in 1856.

The effects of the Gold Rush were substantial. Whole indigenous societies were attacked and pushed off their lands by the gold-seekers, called "forty-niners" (referring to 1849, the peak year for Gold Rush immigration). Outside of California, the first to arrive were from Oregon, the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii), and Latin America in late 1848.

Read More At: California Gold Rush on Wikipedia 

Wild Stallion Western Style Door Info

Doors Custom Built The Old Fashioned Way
"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
And Craftsmen Were Proud To Sign Their Work

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