Tree Of Life Carved Door: Fine Art Carvings By One Master’s Hands – TLD678

An Intricately Detailed Fine Art Quality Handmade Entrance Design

Carved Design Features An Owl Perched On A Winter Branch And Butterflies Resting Among The Summer Blooms, A White Dove Offers An Olive Branch For Peace, And The world Is Depicted By The Hanging Apple

SKU: SKU-9558 Category:


Tree Of Life Carved Door: Fine Art Carvings By One Master’s Hands

Tree Of Life Carved DoorOur Tree of Life carved door is an example of how we bring your vision into reality. Starting with a concept provided by one of our clients, our designers, carvers, and woodworkers created an amazing piece of art rich in history and mythological significance. The Tree of Life also carries scientific as well as religious significance. In the book, "On the Origin of Species," Charles Darwin used a tree as a metaphor for the interconnecting relationships of organisms throughout evolution. Other metaphors about trees represent spiritual concepts.

Versions of the Tree of Life have are found in various cultures, including Egyptian, Armenian, Chinese, Indian, Native American, Mayan, and many more. For Ancient Egypt, the tree represented the chain of events that brought life into existence, and it demonstrated the order and process of all creation. To the Chinese, it was a symbol of immortality. A Taoist story tells of a special tree that grows one peach every three thousand years. Anyone lucky enough to eat one of the peaches will gain eternal life. Trees are so ingrained in mythology because they serve as strong symbols for death, growth, and rebirth.

Master Hand Carved Tree of Life Solid Wood Door

Tree Of Life Carved DoorWith the Tree of Life as the foundation, our designers added elements to this solid wood door that captured our client's individual taste and personality. The trunk of the tree features Celtic Knots to show the interconnectedness and continuity of life. Each section of the tree branches captures a different season - winter (on the left), autumn (maple leaves), spring (poplar leaves), and summer (oak leaves, on the right). As the tree represents the birth and growth of life and the changing of the year, the sun and moon represent the changing nature of each day.

Your tastes and interests are a part of who you are, and our wood carvers are proud to help create a remarkable custom entrance you can truly feel proud of. By showcasing something important to you or by creating your own style, you'll bring a sense of comfort to your surroundings. Your house is your space, we can help make it complete with a hand carved custom made entrance door. Call us today for pricing on our Tree of Life carved door, or any of our other fine art quality handmade doors at 1-800-292-0008.

History Of The Tree Of Life And It's Use In Art By Cultures Worldwide

The Tree of Life is a powerful and ancient symbol that has appeared in various cultures and religions throughout history. Its use in art and symbolism spans across centuries and regions. Here's an overview of the history and significance of the Tree of Life in art:

17th-century depiction of the tree of life in Palace of Shaki Khans, Azerbaijan

17th-century depiction of the tree of life in Palace of Shaki Khans, Azerbaijan. Urek Meniashvili, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

1. Ancient Origins:

  • Mesopotamia: One of the earliest known representations of the Tree of Life can be found in ancient Mesopotamian art, particularly in the art of the Sumerians and Assyrians. In Mesopotamian mythology, the tree is often associated with divinity, fertility, and the eternal cycle of life.
  • Egypt: In ancient Egyptian art, the Tree of Life is often depicted as the "Persea" tree, believed to bear fruit that could grant eternal life. It was associated with the goddess Isis.

2. Biblical References:

  • In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Tree of Life appears prominently in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. It is described as being in the Garden of Eden, symbolizing both the source of physical life and spiritual wisdom.

3. Islamic Tradition:

  • In Islamic art and symbolism, the Tree of Life is known as the "Sidrat al-Muntaha" and is associated with a heavenly tree mentioned in the Quran. It represents a boundary between the created world and the divine realm.

4. Eastern Traditions:

  • Hinduism: In Hindu art and philosophy, the "Kalpavriksha" is often depicted as a divine, wish-fulfilling tree. It symbolizes prosperity, fertility, and spiritual growth.
  • Buddhism: In Buddhist art, the Bodhi Tree is significant as the tree under which Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, attained enlightenment. It symbolizes enlightenment and the path to spiritual awakening.

An 1847 depiction of the Norse Yggdrasil as described in the Icelandic Prose Edda by Oluf Olufsen Bagge

An 1847 depiction of the Norse Yggdrasil as described in the Icelandic Prose Edda by Oluf Olufsen Bagge, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

5. Celtic and Norse Traditions:

  • In Celtic and Norse mythology, trees, in general, were highly revered. While not always explicitly referred to as the "Tree of Life," various sacred trees and groves were central to their beliefs, symbolizing connection to the earth and the cosmos.

6. Contemporary Art:

  • The Tree of Life continues to be a popular motif in contemporary art. It is often used to convey themes of interconnectedness, growth, and the cyclical nature of life. Artists may incorporate the tree symbol into various forms, including paintings, sculptures, and digital art.

7. Symbolism and Interpretation:

  • In art, the Tree of Life can be interpreted in many ways, including as a symbol of the cycle of life and death, the interconnectedness of all living things, spiritual growth, and the quest for wisdom and enlightenment.

The Tree of Life's enduring presence in art and symbolism reflects its deep-rooted significance in human culture and spirituality. It continues to inspire artists and viewers alike with its rich history and multifaceted symbolism.

Tree Of Life Carved Door Info

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