Pretzel Shaped Door Handles: Inspired By The Danish Baker’s Guild Logo – HH335

Our Master Blacksmiths Created These One-Of-A-Kind Door Pulls In The Shape Of The Danish Baker’s Guild Symbol For The Entrance Doors To This Pretzel Bakery

Solid Wrought Iron, Built With Hammer And Anvil Over A Coal Fired Forge With A Hand Applied, Heat Infused Patina Finish


Pretzel Shaped Door Handles: Inspired By The Danish Baker's Guild Logo

pretzel shaped door handles

These pretzel shaped door handles are a design inspired by the logo of the Danish Baker's Guild. Our master blacksmiths can create custom door pulls to replicate any business logo, and are the perfect way to welcome customer's to your business.

A bakery that specializes in Danish kringle came to us wanting to have a set of pretzel shaped door handles made. They were looking for a specific image, the Danish Baker's Guild symbol, a pretzel topped with a crown. Many bakeries in Denmark have signs of the guild symbol hanging outside their business, even today. With the image in hand, our master blacksmiths created this unique set of custom door pulls that appear as a single object when the doors are closed but are actually two independent door handles. These pretzel shaped door handles provide the perfect introduction to this business.

The Baker's guild in Denmark has a special royal dispensation to portray the royal crown atop their symbol, called a baker's crown. This dispensation is actually extended for the baker's guilds throughout most of Europe. The story goes that in 1529 when the Ottomans besieged Vienna, the invaders tried to get over the city walls but could not. So they decided to go under the walls at night. Because bakers work in the night, to prepare bread for the next day, the bakers were awake and heard the Ottomans digging. They alerted the city soldiers who then collapsed the tunnels preventing the city from being overrun. As a reward, the bakers were permitted to crown their guild symbol, the pretzel, with a royal crown. The story behind the dispensation has not been proved historically correct, but is held as the common belief.

Blacksmith Hand Forged Door Handles

Our custom door handles are created for every customer by our world class master craftsmen with old world craftsmanship and artistry at Order your dream wrought iron door pulls custom designed for your residence or business, and make a first impression that reflects your personality and accomplishments. All of our custom door hardware is made from solid hand forged wrought iron that has been advance patina finished and is virtually maintenance free.

This solid wrought iron door pull is hand crafted by our in-house master level blacksmiths using hand forged tried and tested techniques, coal fired, anvil hammered to shape into this unique design inspired by old world fine art designs. Available in any size, style and finish this designer door handle can be custom fabricated in any design you can dream up. Order from our online catalog of custom door handles and pulls, send in your drawing or photos, or speak with one of our talented design engineers and we will hand make custom door handles just for you. Request pricing on your pretzel shaped door handles, or any of our other custom door hardware by calling 1-800-292-0008.

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"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
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