Dead Bolt Lock: Premium Quality Door Locks And Hardware

This Special Heavy Duty Dead Bolt Lock Is Produced By One Of The World’s Top Lock Manufacturers

Specifically Made For Our Extra Thick Solid Wood Doors


Dead Bolt Lock: Premium Quality Door Locks And Hardware

Shown here is a 3" inch thick door edge with installed dead bolt lock. use a special heavy duty dead bolt lock that produced by one of the world's top lock manufacturers, specifically for our extra thick solid wood doors. This dead bolt lock is built with the ability to fit doors that are 1" - 8" inches thick, without any special adapters, or a breech in strength. The bolt slide is larger than that of a simple production dead bolt. This tungsten steel long dead bolt lock allows for additional strength and security. This dead bolt lock, along with this 3" thick solid long grain timber door edge, is the best entrance door security available. This lock can be ordered with both sides keyed at no additional cost.

dead bolt lockCustom Door Locks That Provide Maximum Security

Shown below, the dead bolt lock with thumb turn, heavy duty 3" inch thick door edge with dead bolt lock installed, shows both sides and bolt edge straight on. This type of locking system will never lock you out without your key.

dead bolt lock

Dead bolt lock illustration of the long bolt, for extra security in your custom door from

All Door Hardware fully Installed and Finished

When you order custom gates and doors from everything comes fully installed and finished when you order them pre-hung with hardware. All working door hardware is patina color matched to your decorative hardware.

Beware of other manufacturers cutting corners on quality. Most door manufacturers design with two primary things in mind: 1) Cutting their cost, and 2) How well each piece will fit in the shipping box so you or your builder can assemble your new door on site. In order to cut cost, they choose door thicknesses that are known in this industry as "production standard." These door thicknesses are mostly under 2 1/4" thick, and rarely solid structural timber. Most are veneers, with so called engineered cores. This practice is again predicated on cost, not your security or the door's longevity. This is usually done so a cheap production lock from your local super lumber depot can be used. This has proven to never the best for you and your family's home security.

At We Exclusively Use High Quality Hardware

This door hardware should not be confused with ordinary hardware, normally found on most production or semi-custom doors. The hardware provided by has been specifically chosen to accommodate our ultimate custom doors and gates. Learn more about our custom doors. Contact us with any questions about your custom door or gate hardware, call 1-800-292-0008.

Top Quality Dead Bolt Lock Info

Door Hardware Custom Built The Old Fashioned Way
"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
And Craftsmen Were Proud To Sign Their Work

Order Any Size Or Style - We Can Help You To Design Your Dream Custom Door Hardware - At No Extra Cost