Custom Serpent Door Knocker: Fine Art Quality Hand Forged Iron Hardware – HH0775

Hand Hammered By Master Blacksmiths Over A Coal Fired Forge, Built To Stand The Test Of Time

Custom Medieval Style Ring Pulls From Are Made Using Historically Correct Methods And Materials


Custom Serpent Door Knocker: Fine Art Quality Hand Forged Iron Hardware

At, we create custom door knockers that add style and personality to your entrance, this custom serpent door knocker is a prime example of the type of detail that our master blacksmiths are cable of . Serpents are considered to be guardians in many mythologies as well as bearers and protectors of knowledge and wisdom. A serpent god sheltered Buddha from a storm and this motif is found throughout Angkor in Cambodia. Serpents are often carved into the entrance columns of temples and holy places for protection and are considered the natural guardians of treasures and sacred sites. A snake was the guardian of the Golden Fleece, a symbol of kingship, in Greek mythology. Why not let these coiling snakes guard the treasures within your home?

custom serpent door knockerThis highly detailed door knocker/ring pull is hand forged by our master blacksmiths in wrought iron. Each small detail is done by hand, down to the tiny scales of the snakes. This stunning work of art will set your door apart from your neighbors and will make a striking impression on your visitors. Add a little bit of protection and a beautiful work of art to your home with this handcrafted door knocker.

Fine Art Quality Custom Serpent Door Knocker

This solid wrought iron custom door ring pull is hand crafted by our in-house master level blacksmiths using hand forged tried and tested techniques, coal fired, anvil hammered to shape into this unique design inspired by old world fine art designs. Available in any size, style and finish this designer door knocker can be custom fabricated in any design you can dream up - order from our online catalog of custom door handles and pulls, send in your drawing or photos, or speak with one of our talented design engineers and we at will hand make custom door handles just for you. Request pricing on your custom door hardware by calling 1-800-292-0008.

Custom Serpent Door Knocker Info

Door Hardware Custom Built The Old Fashioned Way
"When Everything Made In America Was Built To Last Forever"
And Craftsmen Were Proud To Sign Their Work

Order Any Size Or Style - We Can Help You To Design Your Dream Custom Door Hardware - At No Extra Cost

Our Latest Fine Art Quality Door Knockers And Ring Pulls