Adjustable Tension Hinge and 1″ Rabbeted Stop Information – ATH1

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The photos shown in this section are designed to help you understand each piece of necessary hardware and its function in relation to its design elements.

Hardware is Fully Installed on Pre-hung Doors

When you order a pre-hung door with hardware, everything you order comes fully installed and finished. All working door hardware is patina color matched to your decorative hardware.

Adjustable Tension Heavy Duty Hinge

As shown here, the hinge is mounted to a 4″ thick solid wood door blade. This hinge can be adjusted to a set tension between 0-10 determined by the speed you wish the door to automatically close. Setting the tension to 0 (zero) allows you to disable the self-close feature, while setting the tension higher will increase the speed of the auto door closure. A tension adjustment tool is included.

Shown Here:
Adjustable tension, heavy duty hinge illustration as it is depicted in its UL listing and engineering document directly from the manufacturer. Larger ornamental hinges are also available ( link to hardware section)

Interior Door Hinge

Interior door hinges are a lighter weight hardware, and do not include adjustable tension settings. They are finished to match your decorative hardware.

Rabbeted Door Jamb

As shown here, a 1″ deep rabbeted door stop, is a permanent part of the door’s structural jamb. This type of stop is rabbeted, by grooving or cutting a dado or kerf cut from the solid piece of 3″ thick X 71/2″ deep timber stock the door jamb or casing is made from, allowing the door to seal in a closed position. This method of building a door stop will guarantee that the structure of the door stop will never change over time and ensures a perfect seat for the door seals.

Our High Quality Handcrafted Hardware

This door hardware should not be confused with ordinary hardware normally found on most production or semi-custom doors. The hardware created at has been specifically chosen to accommodate our ultimate custom doors and gates. Learn more about our custom doors.

Beware of fast process production manufacturers – Most door manufacturers design with two primary things in mind: 1) Keeping their profits high, and 2) How well each piece will fit in the shipping box. To many so called custom door manufacturers, pre-hung can mean that you or your builder will assemble your new door on site. Most of their hardware is shipped assembly required. Also, with many other manufacturers, in order to further cut labor cost, they choose to use straight cut lumber and create their door stops by simply stacking one board on top of another board and gluing, stapling, or nailing them together to form the door stop. With their method, as your door is opened and closed it bangs or hammers against this stop until it moves and allows the seals to leak. This method of creating a door stop has proven to be ineffective over time.

Our method of rabbeted door stop manufacturing ensures a perfect seal every time. Unlike the other guys tacked on door stops, that usually shift over time from the pounding force of opening and closing, our door stop will remain tight and plum to your door. Contact today to discuss your custom door designs and hardware at 1-800-292-0008.