American Arts and Crafts Movement – Heritage Tradition Excellence History
For Over a Century, We Have Run Our Business with these Principles in Mind:
- We always build using only the finest quality natural materials and old fashioned, American master craftsmanship. Building products that will stand the test of time.
- We always understand that without our customers we cannot exist.
- We always deliver more than is expected, built with the love of fine art American craftsmanship - signed with pride.
- We never deliver a product to our customer that H. J. Nick will not sign. Quality control is based on family tradition and reputation - not on how fast a profit can be made. traces its roots to the Marbella Family in Southern Italy
Master furniture makers for the Italian Aristocracy for over three hundred years, renowned throughout Europe in their day, the Marbella family is best known for their handmade quality works in Marble, Fine Woods and Hand Forged Metals.
In 1895, the brothers Joseph and Nicholas Marbella ventured away from family business tradition. They were drawn by stories of the American West, a land for the taking, a vast untapped wealth of gold, and the rugged life of the American cowboy. Inspired by the opportunity and excitement this new land promised, the two brothers set out from their homeland on a journey to acquire the American dream.
After traveling by ship to Ellis Island, they began their quest across the country - eventually settling in the Arizona territory. The two soon acquired their land and started down the road to begin their new lives as cowboys. Learning very quickly that they were not cut out for the business of being cowboys and needing a way to make a living, they found themselves falling back on a family tradition, furniture making.
Joseph, not satisfied with desert living, moved his large family and ventured further in to California. Eventually acquiring land in Southern California that reminded him of his homeland. He began growing produce, invested in a grocery store and filling station and worked full time in Pasadena for the construction company building for the Greene & Green Architects. Now famous for the ultimate cottages in Pasadena, California and the Gamble House now open to the public as a Museum dedicated to fine American craftsmanship.
Understanding Old World Style
Joseph understood that old world Italian, European and Victorian styles would not be practical in the new territory of California for the time. While working on projects for Greene and Greene in California, and Nicholas in the Arizona territory, working for a company building for Frank Lloyd Wright. They were able to have a close up, hands on look and participate in the fledgling American Arts and Crafts movement. Since these now famous architects were influenced by individuals such as Ruskin and Morris in England, Hoffman in Scotland, and Gustav Stickley in New York, this allowed them to be on the cutting edge of design in their day.
Greene and Greene's Gamble house (1908) - Pasadena, California
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
Frank Lloyd Wright's Nathan G. Moore house (1895) - Oak Park, IL
Photo by Steven Kevil, courtesy of Wikipedia
Founders of The American Arts and Crafts Movement
Inspired while working in the shadows of the likes of these future great men, and who would later become known as the founders of the Arts and Crafts Movement in America, the Marbella brothers soon began venturing out on their own. They decided to create an entirely original, truly American style as well as keeping in step with tradition. Believing in clean lines, and the inherent beauty of natural woods, combined with natural stone and hand forged metals, they began their work becoming a small part of the early 20th century American Arts and Crafts movement in their own right.
Early 20th Century America
Like most successful people working in America in the 19th and 20th century, working 120+ hour weeks and paying close attention to detail, these men became successful masters of their crafts and true American citizens. Simply by believing in the American promise, working hard, raising their families, and doing a honest days work, they delivered true quality and value craftsmanship in a time when it was an man's honor to do so.
The common denominator between these families are basic hard work - building an honest product - delivering more than the customer paid for - and standing behind it forever - the American Way - in a time when it was expected that all reputable companies stood behind their work and delivered true value.
American Craftsman interior design - Halstead House (1912) - Los Angeles, California
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia's Craftsman Style Door
Inspired by Greene and Greene architectural style
Note from this writer: I wrote this short background because I believe it to be important, when you invest your hard earned money, to have some insight into how H.J. Nick and his family run today.