Shipping & Delivery Date Policy
Shipping & Products FOB Policy 
We provide a free dealer/consumer service for locating your freight truck, whether you order a single item or a full truck load. Our experienced freight department personnel will locate an available trucking service in our system that can provide service to your area. Since our system has already shopped for the best rates among qualified fine art shippers we do not offer several choices. If you wish to shop your freight rates further it is your responsibility to do so directly and obtain a dock date from us.
Dealer Notice:
We only arrange for your freight on your behalf as a free courtesy service. We only offer you the shipping company that we have found available at what we think is a proven fair price. We do not warranty the shipping company, its policies, or its rates. provides a free dealer/consumer direct service for locating the freight company available to provide you service to your area free of charge as a courtesy to our customers.
You are always welcome to arrange your own pickup - please keep in mind that white glove, fast, specific date delivery, and air freight are the most expensive.
This system can help you acquire the best freight rate available to you and your customer. We also pass any discounts our company may receive (due to our vast volume) from these shipping companies on to you or your customer. We then inform you of the freight carrier we have located and with all of their direct information and other pertinent information. Since we do not mark up freight for profit, all freight is shipped C.O.D. to be paid directly to your shipper.
Note: All items picked up F.O.B in Arizona are subject to AZ state sales tax, unless it is picked up by a properly documented out of state licensed carrier.
Delivery Service Is A Contract Agreement Between Yourself And The Trucking Company Directly
We are not a third-party in the agreement. The trucking company you choose is working directly for you. This is a free locator service, and only available to dealers/customers that appreciate our efforts. We do not set delivery times, rates, or own any delivery trucks. When you accept a freight quote you are given all of the contact information for your shipper. It is your responsibility to verify this information directly. Once your freight is loaded onto your truck, we have no further control over the product, arrival times, etc.
Our Responsibility For Freight Ends Once It Has Left Our Dock At The Shipper's Tailgate
Your trucking company is inspecting each item and signing on your behalf, insuring that each item being accepted by the freight company is in perfect condition and free of damage. (They are not signing that it is the item you ordered). From this point forward, your shipper and shipping insurance company are fully responsible to deliver your product to you in perfect condition. In the rare instance where it is found that freight damage has occurred, it is your responsibility to file with your shipper a freight damage claim at the time of delivery.
If you feel the freight prices we have acquired can be negotiated further, it is your responsibility to negotiate directly with your freight company. We are only the manufacturer and not in the freight business, nor do we make any profits from freight. We feel, when our experienced personnel has presented the freight price, we have received the best price available, based upon our experience with these companies. If you feel you can negotiate a better price, it is your right to do so directly or even send your own qualified truck to pick up your custom furnishing. Freight times and freight rates have no bearing on your purchase contract with us.
A Note Of Caution:
Over the years we have arranged delivery with many freight companies worldwide. It has been our experience that the cheapest rate quote is not always the best. We could mark up our products to include the freight like most other manufacturers do, however, we feel this would be unfair to our customers due to their various geographic locations. We feel by waiting for your custom furniture to be ready for pickup, we are able to get you the best shipping price.
Sometimes, depending upon the routing schedule, the same trucking company can quote as much as 50% less than a price received prior to the items arriving on our freight dock to ship. Many trucking companies' delivery prices are much less if they are already bringing items close to your area. It is our intention to only make available companies that we have had good experiences with in the past. Regardless of the past performance of any shipping company, we do not take any responsibility for any recommended trucking companies' performance or pricing.
Our Shipping Policy LLC. does not accept any responsibility for freight damage, freight companies' services, or rate quotes. This means the freight company you choose is working directly for you. Our freight responsibility ends when you or your trucking company signs for the freight pickup. These companies are certifying, by receipt of pickup, that your custom designed furnishings left our dock in perfect condition. In the rare instance that your freight is damaged during delivery, it is your responsibility to claim the freight damage with the delivery service company. All freight is fully insured through your trucking company. We do not accept dealers in their own vehicle or consumer will call due to insurance reasons. All will calls must be picked up by properly licensed and bonded moving or freight companies. reserves the right to refuse this free service, without consequence, if we deem unreasonable requests are being required by any dealer or consumer. This includes, but is not limited to: asking for more than two freight prices on any particular order, being argumentative to our freight personnel, or requests going beyond the scope of the intended purpose of this free service.
Quality Control/Shipping
At the we offer both old fashioned wooden crates and blanket shipping. Our company feels it produces a product of such high quality, that it deserves to arrive first class, no matter if it is shipped around the world or across town. Keep in mind that even though we are not in the shipping business, we take extra precautions to ensure you a damage-free delivery through our quality control system. These crates are custom built and are charged according to time and materials.
Wooden Crates Are An Extra Charge
However, wooden crates will allow you to ship by common carrier as well as a moving company. Sometimes, the combined crate cost and the common carriers' freight rate will result in a lower cost overall than blanket shipping. All items shipped overseas, by air or sea, require wooden crates.
Unclaimed Freight - Pro Forma Balance Unpaid Notice:
All items left unclaimed or balance not paid upon pro forma - including items paid in full left more than 6 weeks of pro forma notification - will automatically accrue warehouse and storage fees (due to the high cost of warehousing and handling) at the minimum rate of $50.00 per square foot plus handling per month. This fee is retroactive to the original pro forma shipping date. Unless other terms have been arranged and agreed upon in writing on your invoice, after 6 months all items will be considered abandoned freight and sold at the sole discretion of, LLC. without formal notification or credits back to the original dealer/ customer.
Read our company Policies and Terms.